Program Information MenuMagictm is a plug-in manager designed to give you the control of how your VST, VSTi, DX & DXi plug-ins appear within your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) but also give you tools to manage them. All of this is done without modifying your DAW applications and all actions are undo-able. All in one intuitive easy to use application!
This version of MenuMagic is for the Windows platform and designed to support Cakewalk’s DAWs
MenuMagictm Videos Below are links to videos showing various aspects of MenuMagic MenuMagic is in continuous development so the current version may be different (features may change or have been added) than what is shown in the videos
Please Note: The videos continue to download even after they starts playing - so if your playback stops or is jerky just pause the video for a few moments then resume playback
How MenuMagic with it's default settings works with Sonar X2 (both fresh new installs)
Created Sept 2012 - posted on YouTube. Shows MenuMagic working with new install of Sonar X2.
How to show plug-in type information
in Sonar plug-in layout menus
Created July 2012 - posted on YouTube. Shows one of the v2 beta's new featues.
MenuMagic -
support for non-english menus & plug-in names
Created July 2012 - posted on YouTube. Shows one of the v2 beta's new featues.
MenuMagic Plug-in Manager - short overview with soundtrack created with Cakewalk's Project5 Created Feb 2007 MM version b0.9.4.21 - before Sonar6 support was added.
MenuMagic Plug-in Manager - short overview no audio - better if bandwidth is a problem Created Feb 2007 MM version b0.9.4.21 - before Sonar6 support was added.
2 Minutes Video - Creating a Sonar6 Plug-in Menu Layout Shows how easy it is in MenuMagic to create a Sonar6 Plug-in Menu Layout and assign it to be the default layout for Sonar’s SynthRack. Created Aug 2007 MM version b0.9.10.0
Registered Trademarks
 Cakewalk, Sonar & Project5 are registered trademarks of BandLabs and /or Gibson Systems. MenuMagic and MenuMagic Plug-In Manager are trademarks of Agitated State. Agitated State is not affiliated or part of BandLabs, Gibson, Roland or Twelve Tone Systems. VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft. Corp. Company logos are trademarks of their respective companies. All trademarks of these and other companies are acknowledged and no challenges to these trademarks are suggested.
